Triton BathyPro User Manual
Page 36

Figure 11. List of available file types to add in Project Files
The kind of processing available will be determined by the type of file you choose
here. Table 1 defines the capability and applicability of each file type with respect
to BathyPro.
Imported file types and their uses in BathyPro
File Type
Description and Kind of Processing Possible
Add XTF files
processing of standard XTF multibeam data (for
example, 8101, 9001, Simrad 2000)
Add XTF files
processing of data from the Klein 5400 mutibeam
sidescan sonar.
Add XTF files
(Single Beam Data)
processing single beam Echosounder data recorded via
an RS232 port in an XTF file
June 2004
BathyPro User’s Manual