Triton BathyPro User Manual

Page 87

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3. In


North-West Origin in Input Projection Coordinate Units portion of

the “Map and Projection settings” dialog box, specify valid latitude and
longitude values for the DTM data to be made.

4. Similarly, in the Output Projection portion of the “Map and Projection

settings” dialog box, check to see that values listed there are correct for
your data. Especially check to see that your zone number is correct for
the longitude settings you specified and to verify the proper hemisphere
as north or south. Figure 48 shows an example of a zone properly chosen
for the latitude and longitude specified in Figure 47.

Figure 48. Zone number selected to match latitude and longitude

5. Click

Next to examine and change, if necessary, the datum for your

projection (Figure 49).

June 2004

BathyPro User’s Manual