Fine-tuning settings to get better hyperbolas, Uning, Ettings to – Triton BathyPro User Manual
Page 110: Etter, Yperbolas

should be “reasonable” in the sense that it should be small enough to be
believable. As a rule of thumb, if you get a number larger than, say,
5000 ms (5 seconds), then your latency value probably lacks credibility. You
may want to check your offsets and rerun the patch test to see if you can
generate a more believable latency value. The most critical offset is the
along-track translation offset between the antenna and the transducer
Fine-Tuning Settings to Get Better Hyperbolas
When performing a latency test using sidescan sonar data, sometimes you may
want to fine-tune your settings in order to try to arrive at more precise
hyperbolas. In turn, such fine-tuning may yield a more precise latency value. To
do that, BathyPro has options for changing detection settings, geometry settings,
and/or navigation settings. These options become available to you during latency
testing of sidescan sonar data (‘Using Sidescan Sonar Imagery to Determine
All of these options are reached by clicking the Settings button from the Patch
Test working dialog box (Patch Test → Latency with Side Scan Imagery
Data), which becomes available after you have opened one or more CON files to
be processed for hyperbola generation. If you click Settings in the Patch Test
dialog box, the system displays the Geometry and Detection Settings dialog box
(Figure 61).
Figure 61. Geometry and Detection Settings dialog box
June 2004
BathyPro User’s Manual