11 read queries, Read:array:ameasure:power, Read:array:ameasure:statistical – Boonton 4540 Peak Power Meter User Manual User Manual

Page 179: 11 read queries -45, Read:array:ameasure:power? -45, Read:array:ameasure:statistical? -45, Boonton 4540 series rf power meter, Remote operation

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Boonton 4540 Series RF Power Meter

Remote Operation


5.6.11 READ Queries

The purpose of the READ? group of queries is to initiate a measurement cycle, acquire data, and return specific measurement
data. READ? performs the initiation, data acquisition, postprocessing, and data output portions of the measurement. READ?
is equivalent to ABORting any operation in progress, INITiating a new measurement, then FETChing the data when it is
ready. READ? generally does not return data unless acquisition is complete. Since READ? INITiates a new measurement
every time it is issued, READ? queries should not be used for free running data acquisition (INITiate:CONTinuous ON) - in
this case, use FETCh queries instead. For CW and Modulated Modes, the measurement is generally considered complete
when the integration filter (see SENSe:FILTer) is filled. In Pulse Mode, the measurement is considered complete when all
the number of complete traces specified by the SENSe:AVERage command have been acquired and averaged together. In
Statistical Mode, the measurement is considered complete when the number of samples specified by TRIGger:CDF:COUNt
has been gathered.



Returns an array of the current automatic amplitude measurements performed on a periodic pulse
waveform. Measurements performed are: peak amplitude during the pulse, average amplitude
over a full cycle of the pulse waveform, average amplitude during the pulse, IEEE top amplitude,
IEEE bottom amplitude, and overshoot. Units are the same as the channel’s units. Note the pulse
overshoot is returned in dB for logarithmic channel units, and percent for all other units. Also, the
pulse ―ON‖ interval used for peak and average calculations is defined by the
SENSe:PULSe:STARTGT and :ENDGT time gating settings. A full pulse (rise and fall) must
be visible on the display to make average and peak pulse power measurements, and a full cycle of
the waveform must be visible to calculate average cycle amplitude.




CC1, PulsePeak, CC2, PulseCycleAvg, CC3, PulseOnAvg, CC4, IEEE Top, CC5, IEEE Bot,
CC6, Overshoot

Where the CCn’s are the measurement condition codes for each measurement.

Valid Modes:

Pulse Mode only


Timebase must be set appropriately to allow measurements (see above)



Returns an array of the current automatic statistical measurements performed on a sample
population. Measurements performed are: long term average, peak and minimum amplitude,
peak-to-average ratio, amplitude at the CCDF cursor, statistical percent at the CCDF cursor, and
the sample population size in samples. Note the peak-to-average ratio is returned in dB for
logarithmic channel units, and percent for all other channel units.




CC1, Pavg, CC2, Ppeak, CC3, Pmin, CC4, PkToAvgRatio, CC5, CursorPwr, CC6, CursorPct,
CC7, Sample-Count

Where the CCn’s are the measurement condition codes for each measurement.

Valid Modes:

Statistical Mode only