Boonton 4540 series rf power meter, Remote operation – Boonton 4540 Peak Power Meter User Manual User Manual

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Boonton 4540 Series RF Power Meter

Remote Operation



Query the state of measurement channel 1 (default chan #)


Query the state of channel 1 (short form, default chan #)


Query the state of measurement channel 1 (specified chan #)


Query the state of channel 1 (short form, specified chan #)


Set timebase range to 100 us/Div (time in seconds)


Set timebase range to 100 us/Div (short form with time units)

:SENSe:CORRection:OFFSet 0.42

Set channel 1 offset correction to 0.42 dB (chan units dBm)



Set trigger level to –3.12 dBm (trig units dBm)


–3.12 Concatenated commands using semi-colon (short form)

In the discussion and tables below, the following notation will be used:

Command name long and short form:


Optional command name in brackets:


Command with channel dependence:

CALCulate[1|2]:STATe OFF

Default channel 1:


Explicit channel 1:


Select channel 2:


Short Form:


Command which takes numeric argument: SENSe1:AVERage

Same command; query:


Command with literal text argument:


Command with no query form:


Command with query form only:



Square brackets [ ] are used to enclose the list of valid channels for a command, or a list of command options separated by
the vertical separator bar | character. This character is for syntax only, and is not to be entered as part of the command. By
default, if no channel number is specified, Channel 1 is selected.

A literal argument denoted by indicates a word or series of characters, which must exactly match one of
the choices for the command. An argument denoted by requires a string which, when converted to a
number, is within the range of valid arguments. Numerical values can generally be in any common form including decimal
and scientific notation. indicates an argument which must be either true or false. Boolean arguments are
represented by the values 0 or OFF for false, and 1 or ON for true. Queries of Boolean parameters always return 0 or 1.

Curly braces { } are used to enclose two or more possible choices for a mandatory entry, separated by the comma character.
One of the enclosed options MUST be inserted into the command, and the braces are not to be entered as part of the