13 parallel distributed copy (pdcp) – HP Insight Cluster Management Utility User Manual

Page 97

background image

cmudiff filter is , with parameters -d

cmu_pdsh> dmidecode

The comment now shows “(2 populations) o185i[040,042] are 83% similar”. This comment
suggests that those two compute nodes have a different BIOS release date than all other nodes.


A nonresponsive node in the node selection for single window pdsh causes the answer

from other nodes to be delayed until a timeout occurs from the nonresponsive node. You can reduce
this delay by setting the value in the ConnectTimeout in .ssh/config variable. For example:

# vi /root/.ssh/config

Host *

StrictHostKeyChecking no

ConnectTimeout 1

6.13 Parallel distributed copy (pdcp)

The pdcp task enables you to copy a file from the HP Insight CMU administration server to multiple
nodes simultaneously.

To copy the file:


Right-click the nodes you want to copy to.


On the contextual menu, select pdcp (distributed copy). The following window opens:

6.13 Parallel distributed copy (pdcp)