B.8 installing hp insight cmu licensing, B.9 setting the java path, Installing – HP Insight Cluster Management Utility User Manual

Page 133: Method 1, Method 2

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Install the HP Insight CMU rpm:

# rpm --import /mnt/cmuteam-rpm-key.asc

# rpm -ivh /mnt/cmu-v7.1-1.i386.rpm

Preparing... ########################################### [100%]


If you do not import the cmuteam-rpm-key. then the following warning message

is received:

# rpm -ivh REPOSITORY/cmu-v7.1-1.i386.rpm

warning: REPOSITORY/cmu-v7.1-1.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID b59742b4

Preparing... ########################################### [100%]

1:cmu ########################################### [100%]

B.8 Installing HP Insight CMU licensing

HP Insight CMU v7.1 requires a valid FLEXlm node license for each rack/Blade/SL server registered
in the cluster. A separate FlexlM chassis license is required for each HP Moonshot 1500 chassis.
The procedure to obtain FlexlM license keys is provided with the Entitlement Certificate.
Copy the content of all Flexlm license key files to /opt/cmu/etc/cmu.lic.

B.9 Setting the Java PATH

For permanent setup of PATH, edit the /opt/cmu/etc/cmuserver.conf file and then set the


# CMU_JAVA_BIN="/usr/java/jre1.6.0_31/bin/java"

B.10 Configuring the HP Insight CMU management server hostname

HP Insight CMU backing up and cloning operations must retrieve the IP address of the Ethernet
interface that connects the compute nodes. Two methods are provided to retrieve the IP address.

Method 1


Link the IP address of the Ethernet interface used for cloning to the hostname of the HP Insight
CMU management server by editing the hosts file, typically /etc/hosts. For example:

# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost hptc481

The second line must contain the IP address of the card connected to the cluster and the
hostname of the management node.


Verify the setting.

# hostname -i

If the setting is correct, the IP address of the Ethernet interface used for cloning is returned.


Verify the address.

# /opt/cmu/tools/cmu_mgt_net_info


If the hostname is set correctly, then the IP address that connects the HP Insight CMU
management server to the compute nodes is returned.

Method 2

If you must have the hostname of the machine to be linked to another interface, then use this method.

B.8 Installing HP Insight CMU licensing