4 administration and cloning commands – HP Insight Cluster Management Utility User Manual
Page 105
Executing a command on specific nodes of a logical group
You can use the but option to exclude active nodes of a group from the selection. Nodes to exclude
can be specified with any combination of regular expressions.
cmu> boot all default but o185i222 - o185i252
active node list selected: o185i194 o185i202 o185i216 o185i253 o185i254
6.17.4 Administration and cloning commands
Booting a set of nodes
You can boot any number of nodes in the cluster. Regular expressions to specify a list of nodes
described above are accepted.
The boot modes are:
Normal mode boots nodes on the default device, generally the hard drive.
Network mode fills the dhcpd.conf file to boot nodes over the network.
cmu> boot [net] cmu_nodes_regular_expression
Booting node o185i192 normal on the hard drive:
cmu> boot o185i192
active node list selected: o185i192
Entering normal Boot
Booting node o185i192
Not using ssh/rsh shutdown because node o185i192 is not pinging
Doing a powercycle of node o185i192 via lo100i (OFF then ON)
Boot order has been sent to every node
Boot process finished !!
Please read /opt/cmu/log/Boot-lo100i-Tue-08-Aug-at-12h36m23s.log to check errors
Booting node o185i192 with the network:
cmu> boot net o185i192
active node list selected: o185i192
Cleaning previous kickstart boot option
Copying /etc/hosts to /opt/cmu/ntbt/rp/etc/
Entering Network boot
Writing dhcpd.conf
dhcpd.conf written successfully
Booting node o185i192
Not using ssh/rsh shutdown because node o185i192 is not pinging
Doing a powercycle of node o185i192 via lo100i (OFF then ON)
Waiting 1 second (cooldown)...
Waiting 5 minutes before removing the dhcpd.conf
Boot process finished !!
Please read /opt/cmu/log/Boot-lo100i-Tue-08-Aug-at-12h40m36s.log to check errors
Broadcasting commands to a set of nodes
Broadcast launches the interactive single window broadcast utility. You can use the regular
expressions described above to specify nodes. The command uses telnet and secure shell.
This command has limited functionality. For more information on this command, see
“Multiple windows broadcast” (page 94)
cmu> broadcast cmu_nodes_regular_expression
6.17 HP Insight CMU CLI 105