P513 telegram time-out, P514 can baud rate, P515 – NORD Drivesystems BU0060 User Manual
Page 82: Can address

CANopen – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters
BU 0060 GB-4112
Telegram time-out
(Telegram time out)
-0.1 / 0.0 /
0.1 ... 1000 s
{ 0.0 }
Monitoring function of the active bus interface. Following receipt of a valid telegram, the next one
must arrive within the set period. Otherwise the FI reports an error and switches off with the error
message E010 >Bus Time Out<.
0.0 = Off: Monitoring is switched off.
-0.1 = No error: Even if communication between BusBox and FI is interrupted (e.g. 24V error,
Box removed, etc.), the FI will continue to operate unchanged.
Pos : 149 /Anleit ungen/5. / 6. Parametrier ung [BU 0500 / BU 0200]/ Par ameter/ P500-P599/ Paramet er P514 – C AN-Baudr at e @ 0\ mod_1328092466350_388.doc x @ 11203 @ @ 1
CAN baud rate
(CAN baud rate)
0 ... 7
{ 4 }
Used to set the transfer rate (transfer speed) via the CANbus interface. All bus participants must
have the same baud rate setting. With the use of the CANopen technology unit, settings from this
parameter are only valid if the BAUD rotary coding switch on the technology unit has been set to
0 = 10kBaud
1 = 20kBaud
2 = 50kBaud
3 = 100kBaud
4 = 125kBaud
5 = 250kBaud
6 = 500kBaud
7 = 1MBaud *
(for test purposes
*) Reliable operation cannot be guaranteed
Data takeover
The baud rate is only read after a Power On, a Reset Node message or a Power On of the
24V bus supply.
Pos : 150 /Anleit ungen/5. / 6. Parametrier ung [BU 0500 / BU 0200]/ Par ameter/ P500-P599/ Paramet er P515 – C AN-Adresse @ 0\ mod_1328092561242_388. doc x @ 11226 @ @ 1
CAN address
(CAN address)
0 ... 255
{ all 50 }
Setting of the basic CANbus address for CAN and CANopen. With the use of the CANopen
technology unit, settings from this parameter are only valid if the BAUD rotary coding switch on
the technology unit has been set to PGM.
Data takeover
The baud rate is only read after a Power On, a Reset Node message or a Power On of the
24V bus supply.
From software version 1.6 and above, this can be set in three levels:
[-01] = Slave address, Receipt address for CAN and CANopen (as before)
[-02] = Broadcast slave address, Broadcast – receipt address for CANopen (Slave)
[-03] = Master address, Broadcast – Transmission address for CANopen (Master)
Pos : 151 /Anleit ungen/5. / 6. Parametrier ung [BU 0500 / BU 0200]/ Par ameter/ P500-P599/ Paramet er P543 – Bus-Ist wert 1 [SK 500. .. 535E] @ 0\ mod_1328097541755_388.doc x @ 11824 @ @ 1