Actual value 2 and 3, Actual value 4 and 5, 4 communication and protocol – NORD Drivesystems BU0060 User Manual
Page 47

4 Communication and Protocol
BU 0060 GB-4112
If with SK 700/750E the value 'Setpoint position 32Bit' is set in parameter P546 'Setpoint 1 function',
the actual value of the setpoint position or actual position is also transferred as a 32Bit value in PZD2
and PZD3:
Pos : 72 /Anl eitungen/ Elektroni k/ Bus s yst eme/4. Kommuni kati on und Prot okoll + Proz ess datentr ans fer /Pr ozes sdat enver arbeit ung i m FU allgemein/Ist wert 2 und 3 @ 1\ mod_1336391763600_388. doc x @ 25615 @ 5 @ 1
Actual value 2 and 3
It is possible to forward two more actual values to the controller.
The assignment of the actual values 2 and 3 to the process data words PZD3 and PZD4 is carried out
in the same way as the assignment of setpoints 2 and 3. These also differ in sequence between the
SK 5xxE and other inverter series.
SK 300E/SK 700E/SK 750E
The actual value 2 (IW2) is transmitted in PZD4. The value to be transferred can be selected "Actual
bus value 2" (P544). Actual value 3 (IW3) can be transmitted in PDZ3 if actual value 1 is not a 32 Bit
value. The value to be transferred can be selected "Actual bus value 3" (P545).
SK 5xxE
The actual value 2 (IW2) is transmitted in PZD3. The value to be transferred can be selected "Actual
bus value 2" (P544 or P543 [-02]). The actual value 3 (IW3) is transmitted in PZD4. The value to be
transferred can be selected "Actual bus value 3" (P545 bzw. P543 [-03]).
Pos : 73 /Anl eitungen/ Elektroni k/ Bus s yst eme/4. Kommuni kati on und Prot okoll + Proz ess datentr ans fer /Pr ozes sdat enver arbeit ung i m FU allgemein/Ist wert 4 und 5 [C ANopen] @ 2\ mod_1348569353474_388. doc x @ 48448 @ 5 @ 1
Actual value 4 and 5
SK 540E and SK 545E frequency inverters can also process the 16 bit setpoints 4 and 5. The function
of these actual values is set in the inverter under the parameters 'Actual bus value 4' (P543 [-04]) and
'Actual bus value 5' (P543 [-05])
The value range and the scalling correspond to thise of the other actual values.
Pos : 74 /Anl eitungen/ 8. /9. Z us atzi nf ormati onen [ BU 0500 / BU 0200] /8.8 Nor mier ung Soll- /8.8 Nor mier ung Soll- / I st werte [BU 0500] @ 0\ mod_1328189360846_388.doc x @ 14466 @ 3 @ 1