P546 bus setpoint 1, P547 bus setpoint 2, P548 bus setpoint 3 – NORD Drivesystems BU0060 User Manual
Page 74

CANopen – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters
BU 0060 GB-4112
Bus setpoint 1
(Bus setpoint 1)
SK 300E /
SK 7x0E
0 ... 7
{ 1 }
In this parameter, a function is allocated to the output setpoint 1 during bus actuation. The
settings 2 to 6 are only relevant for type SK 700E and SK 750E inverters in combination with the
POSICON option.
0 = Off
1 = Setpoint frequency (16 bit)
2 = 16 Bit setpoint position
3 = 32 Bit Bit setpoint position (PPO
type 2 or 4)
4 = POSICON control terminals (16 Bit)
5 = Setpoint position (16 Bit)
6 = Setpoint position (32 Bit) increment
7 = Bus I/O In Bits 0-7
Pos : 126 /Anleit ungen/5. / 6. Parametrier ung [BU 0500 / BU 0200]/ Par ameter/ P500-P599/ Paramet er P547 – Bus-Sollwert 2 [SK 300E, SK 7x0E] @ 1\ mod_1335788467112_388. doc x @ 24976 @ @ 1
Bus setpoint 2
(Bus setpoint 2)
SK 300E /
SK 7x0E
0 ... 20
{ 0 }
In this parameter, a function is allocated to the setpoint 2 which is output during bus actuation.
0 = Off
11 = Torque precontrol (only SK 7x0E)
1 = Setpoint frequency
12 = POSICON control terminals (only
SK 7x0E)
2 = Torque current limit (P112)
13 = Multiplication (only SK 7x0E)
3 = Actual frequency PID
14 = Process controller actual value
4 = Frequency addition
15 = Process controller setpoint
5 = Frequency subtraction
16 = Process controller lead
6 = Current limit (only SK 7x0E) (P536)
17 = BusIO In Bits 0...7
7 = Maximum frequency (only SK 7x0E)
18 = Curve travel calculator (only
SK 7x0E)
8 = Actual PID frequency limited
19 = Set relays (P541)
9 = Actual PID frequency monitored
20 =
Set analog output (P542)
10 =
Pos : 127 /Anleit ungen/5. / 6. Parametrier ung [BU 0500 / BU 0200]/ Par ameter/ P500-P599/ Paramet er P548 – Bus-Sollwert 3 [SK 300E, SK 7x0E] @ 1\ mod_1335790742656_388. doc x @ 25000 @ @ 1
Bus setpoint 3
(Bus setpoint 3)
SK 300E /
SK 7x0E
0 ... 20
{ 0 }
In this parameter, a function is assigned to the delivered setpoint 3 (SW3) for bus control. This is
identical to parameter P547 and is only present if P546 ≠ 3 and 6.
Pos : 128 /Anleit ungen/5. / 6. Parametrier ung [BU 0500 / BU 0200]/ Par ameter/ P500-P599/ Paramet er P551 – Antriebs profil @ 0\ mod_1328098517139_388. doc x @ 12054 @ @ 1
The "reference run", "teach-in" and "reset position can be controlled via the other bits:
Bit 0: Pos. array / Pos. increment
Bit 1: Pos. array / Pos. increment
Bit 2: Pos. array / Pos. increment
Bit 3: Pos. array / Pos. increment
Bit 4: Pos. array / Pos. increment
Bit 5: Pos. array / Pos. increment
Bit 6: Approach reference point
Bit 7: Ref. point
Bit 8: Teach- In
Bit 9: Quit Teach- In
Bit 10: Reset pos.