Communication and protocol, 1 process data - general (pzd), Process data - general (pzd) – NORD Drivesystems BU0060 User Manual

Page 39: Information, 4 communication and protocol, Little endian data format, Sk 54xe – can via rj45

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4 Communication and Protocol

BU 0060 GB-4112


4. Communication and Protocol

Pos : 60 /Anl eitungen/ Elektroni k/ Bus s yst eme/4. Kommuni kati on und Prot okoll + Proz ess datentr ans fer /CAN open [ BU 0060]/I nf or mation D at enfor mat Littl e Endian @ 2\ mod_1347891008211_388. doc x @ 47676 @ @ 1


Little Endian data format

Data transfer is performed in Little Endian format. This means that in the data word, the High byte follows after
the Low byte. Example: "047E"

à 7E 04.

Pos : 61 /Anl eitungen/ Elektroni k/ Bus s yst eme/4. Kommuni kati on und Prot okoll + Proz ess datentr ans fer /Pr ozes sdat enver arbeit ung i m FU allgemein/! Proz ess datenverar beit ung im Frequenz umric ht er @ 1\ mod_1336380077511_388.doc x @ 25252 @ 2 @ 1

4.1 Processing of Process Data in the Frequency Inverter

Pos : 62 /Anl eitungen/ Elektroni k/ Bus s yst eme/4. Kommuni kati on und Prot okoll + Proz ess datentr ans fer /CAN open [ BU 0060]/D at enübertr agung allgemein/zu Pr ozessdat enver arbeit ung i m Fr equenzumric ht er [C ANopen BU 0060] @ 1\ mod_1342603933090_388.doc x @ 34008 @ @ 1

The following CAN profile specifications apply to process data transfer with all CANnord/CANopen
interfaces in NORD frequency inverters. This protocol is used when P551 = 0 is set.

Pos : 63 /Anl eitungen/ Elektroni k/ Bus s yst eme/4. Kommuni kati on und Prot okoll + Proz ess datentr ans fer /Pr ozes sdat enver arbeit ung i m FU allgemein/Pr ozessdat en allgemei n (PZD) @ 1\ mod_1336385071672_388. doc x @ 25423 @ 3 @ 1

4.1.1 Process data - General (PZD)

In the process data area (PZD), control words and setpoints are transferred from the master to the
frequency inverter and in return, status words and actual values are sent from the inverter to the
master. The structure of the PZD area is always the same in terms of the sequence of its elements
(words), however, dependent upon direction of data Master

à Slave / Slave à Master, it is described


The process data area of the reference data has the following structure:


Control Word; length 16 bit, order telegram

error acknowledgement)


Status Word; length 16 bit, response telegram


SW 1 … 3

Setpoints; 3 x 16 bit or 1 x 32 bit and 1 x 16 bit, order telegram, e.g. frequency setpoint,
position setpoint, torque setpoint.

IW 1 … 3

Actual values; 3 x 16 bit or 1 x 32 bit and 1 x 16 bit, response telegram, e.g. actual frequency,
actual position, actual torque.

Pos : 64 /Anl eitungen/ Elektroni k/ Bus s yst eme/4. Kommuni kati on und Prot okoll + Proz ess datentr ans fer /CAN open [ BU 0060]/D at enübertr agung allgemein/Pr ozes sdat en allgemein (PZD) - Ergänzung SK54xE [CAN open über RJ 45] @ 2\ mod_1347371435376_388. doc x @ 45481 @ @ 1


SK 54xE – CAN via RJ45

If CANnord / CANopen is implemented via the internal RJ45 sockets, the setpoints and actual values 4 and 5 can
also be communicated (SK 54xE and above).

Pos : 65 /Anl eitungen/ Elektroni k/ Bus s yst eme/4. Kommuni kati on und Prot okoll + Proz ess datentr ans fer /Pr ozes sdat enver arbeit ung i m FU allgemein/Steuer wort ( ST W) @ 1\ mod_1336386809690_388. doc x @ 25519 @ 3 @ 1