3 modular units trio sk 300e and sk 750e, 1 sk tu2- canopen module, overview, Modular units trio sk 300e and sk 750e – NORD Drivesystems BU0060 User Manual
Page 31: Sk tu2- canopen module, overview, Fig. 6: frequency inverters sk 300e and sk 750e, Table 5: sk tu3-cao, overview of technology units, Information, 2 modules, Ip66 version, Firmware version

2 Modules
BU 0060 GB-4112
2.3 Modular units trio SK 300E and SK 750E
Technology units are optional modules with which additional functions in the frequency inverter can
be added depending on requirements. The high level of protection of the frequency inverter remains
with all technology units.
Fig. 6: Frequency inverters SK 300E and SK 750E
Pos : 49 /Anl eitungen/ Elektroni k/ Bus s yst eme/2. Baugruppen/CAN open [BU 0060]/ SK TU 2- CAN open M odul, Ü berblic k @ 1\ mod_1341907894144_388. doc x @ 30720 @ 3 @ 1
2.3.1 SK TU2- CANopen module, overview
The communication module SK TU2-CAO, is used to connect drives from the trio SK 300E and 750E
device series to higher level automation systems via CANopen. Both the SK 300E frequency inverters
and the external technology units are available in the protection classes IP55 (standard) and IP66
(optional). The type designation of the SK 300E and the modules in the protection class IP66 is given
an additional code "-
C" (coated → coated board) to differentiate the IP55 and IP66 protection classes.
For SK 750E frequency inverters, the protection class is specified by the type of cooling. IP54 for air-
cooled devices and IP65 for water-cooled SK 750E frequency inverters.
n class
CANopen module
This option enables control
of the SK 300E/750E via the
serial CANopen port.
1 CANopen interface
2 x 5-pin M12 system plug connector
Part No. 275130100 (IP55)
Part No. 275170100 (IP66)
CANopen module
Table 5: SK TU3-CAO, Overview of Technology Units
IP66 version
Modules of the IP66 version have an additional "C" in the type code and are modified with several special
measures (see Manual SK 300E or SK 750E).
Firmware version
The SK 300E must have at least software version 1.6 R1 (see P707) so that it is fully compatible with the
CANopen protocol.
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