Jenway 6715 User Manual
Page 62

PerForMinG MeASUreMentS – all users
Once the required settings have been confirmed the main
Photometrics measurement screen will be
shown. This screen shows the absorbance value, followed by the Transmittance value and then the
selected wavelength. At the top of the screen Method ID and Batch number, time or date is displayed.
Zeroing the instrument
Insert a cuvette containing a blank solution into the sample holder and close the sample chamber lid.
(Test tubes or other sample containers may be used depending on the sample holder accessory fitted).
Select the
Zero key. The messages Calibrating Dark Level… and Calibrating Light Level...’ are
displayed momentarily. Once the measurement is completed the screen will update to show:
note: In general the blank solution should contain everything that is in the sample except the
colour-producing component. For specific information reference should be made to the procedure or
application being followed. For enhanced reproducibility matched cuvettes should be used.
Measuring the Sample
Remove the cuvette containing the blank solution and insert the first sample into the sample holder
and close the sample chamber lid. Select the
Read key.
The screen will momentarily display ‘
Taking reading. Please wait…’ Once the measurement is
completed the screen will update to show the measured value.
Additional individual samples can be measured by inserting them in the single sample holder and
Read. Alternatively, multiple samples can be measured with the optional 8 or 6 cell changers
or sequentially with the sipper pump accessory.