Jenway 6715 User Manual
Page 13

After inputting the required parameters select the tick icon to save the changes or
the cross icon to cancel
The Results tab displays the data of the multi-wavelength measurement alongside the results
of the Sum calculation.
Selecting the open icon allows access to the other results saved in the method.
Selecting the print icon opens the Print box. This allows the user to choose the
printer, the orientation of the printout and gives the option of printing directly or
viewing a Print Preview.
Selecting the copy icon allows the results to be pasted directly into other
programmes (e.g. a spreadsheet) for further data manipulation or editing.
The kinetics screen displays two tabs Methods and Results.
The Method tab displays the Method Details, Y-Axis Set-up, Concentration Settings, Run
Settings, Accessories Used (if any) and Information of the kinetics measurement.