Jenway 6715 User Manual
Page 157

Calibrating the Sipper Pump
From the
Accessory Settings menu press Calibrate. The following screen is displayed:
Offer a sample to the inlet tube in the sipper probe.
Start, the sipper pump will start to operate. View the sample being taken up through the poly-
thene tube to the flow-through cuvette. Ensure the sample fills the chamber of the flow-through cu-
vette, press
Stop when the sample is just visible in the outlet tube. Further adjustment to the sample
uptake can be made using the + / - (uptake volume) buttons. When the correct level is achieved press
Done button.
A prompt for air segmentation is given. If separation of samples is not required pressing the
button will skip this process and a drain cycle will be performed and the instrument will return to the
Accessory Settings menu.
If air segmentation is required remove the sample and press the
Start button. View the air being taken
up through the polythene tube to the cuvette. Press
Stop when the air reaches the required position.
Further adjustment to the air uptake can be made using the + / - (uptake air) button. When the correct
level is achieved press the
Done button. A drain cycle will be performed and the instrument will return
to the
Accessory Settings menu.
The sample and air volumes selected during calibration are stored in the method and will be accurately
reproduced during the measurement cycles.
note: A typical use for air segmentation is to ‘push’ a micro-volume of sample into the cuvette. To do
this, take up a very small sample volume into the polythene tube, while viewing it, take up air to move
the sample into the cuvette.
note: To ensure good laboratory practice before turning off the instrument ensure that the sample
has drained from the sipper pump into the waste receptacle.