Jenway 6715 User Manual
Page 146
AUtoMAtiC 8 & 6 Cell CHAnGer MoDUleS
The automatic 8-cell changer accepts 8 x 10mm path length cuvettes and the automatic 6-cell changer
accepts 6 x 10mm path length cuvettes with the addition of a water jacket for temperature control
through an external, thermostated, circulating water-bath.
The automatic 8-cell and 6-cell changers enhance the performance of the 67 Series
spectrophotometers and introduce a level of flexible automation to many tasks.
The advantages range from the simple automatic, sequential measurement of up to eight/six samples
in any mode of operation to the programming of multiple carousels for the measurement of over
7000 samples. With options for storing 8/6 individual blanks (including full baseline spectral scans) to
enable the matching of un-matched cuvettes as well as running multiple kinetic assays in parallel and
automating the creation of calibration curves. The power and versatility of these accessories is realised
through a simple, intuitive graphical interface.
Fitting the 8 or 6 Cell Changer Module (as a separate accessory option)
If you are changing from an existing sample chamber module to the automatic 8 or 6 cell changer the
following installation instructions should be followed:
Disconnect the instrument from the mains supply.
Check the installed sample chamber module and remove any filled cuvettes to avoid spillage.
Raise the lid and loosen the sample chamber retaining screw located at the front of the module. Lifting
the front carefully remove the module from the instrument and store safely for possible future use.
Raise lid by 30°
for re-assembly
Ensure lugs locate
into main case
Sample chamber
retaining screw