Jenway 6715 User Manual
Page 161
SiPPer/Peltier MoDUle
The Sipper Pump accessory is based on a programmable peristaltic pump that can be set to repeatedly
deliver accurate, controlled volumes of sample into a flow through cuvette.
This enables a single flow through cuvette to be used for many applications, removing the need to
decant samples into individual cuvettes, the need for washing re-usable glass or quartz cuvettes or for
maintaining stocks and disposing of single use plastic cuvettes.
Many types of flow through cuvettes are available for different applications. Please contact Jenway for
additional information or advice.
By injecting a controlled air-gap between samples when used in the segmented mode, very small
sample volumes can be ‘pushed’ into the chamber of a micro flow through cuvette. Where viscous or
oily samples persist in the sample chamber the air-gap segment can be completely or partially replaced
with a wash solution.
Setting and calibration of the uptake volumes is easily carried out using the interactive menus and
graphic user interface on any of the 67 Series spectrophotometers.
This temperature controlled sample module uses the electronic peltier heat-transfer effect to maintain
a constant temperature around the sample cuvette, heating or cooling as necessary to maintain
control. A desired sample temperature between 20 and 50°C (or 68 and 122°F) that can be set to
a resolution of 0.1° C (1° F) is available within the Accessory settings on the spectrophotometer.
Additional icons and data will appear in the status bar at all times showing the actual temperature and
the set (target) level. Control is fully automatic and once set is stored within the method, needing no
further entry or adjustment when that method is re-used at a later date.
note: Depending on the insulating/conducting properties of the material used in the
chosen cuvette a varying period of equilibration may be required to bring the actual sample
temperature to that shown on the display.
Warning: Do not cover or obstruct the exhaust air vent on the front of the accessory module,
this will adversely affect the temperature regulation and may damage the peltier element or
control components.
If your instrument was ordered with the sipper pump module it will be supplied with the module
installed but without the tubing fitted. A separate kit is supplied (refer fitting instructions).