Jenway 6715 User Manual
Page 124

SeCtion 9 - Quantitation Mode
PrinCiPleS oF MeASUreMent
The concentration of a substance in a sample can be found by comparing it to prepared standardised
solutions of that substance. A number of standard solutions are carefully made over a range of
concentrations. These solutions are measured by the spectrophotometer at a set wavelength and
a graph created of the concentration against the absorbance or transmittance. Samples can then
be measured in terms of absorbance or transmittance and the concentration calculated by the
spectrophotometer by comparison to the graphical plot of the known concentration standards. Linear,
quadratic and cubic curve fit functions are available, plus automation with an optional 8-cell changer
Free oPerAtion
If the
user is not logged in then the main measurement screen will automatically be displayed when
Quantitation mode is selected from the Main Menu.