Jenway 6715 User Manual
Page 123

PerForMinG MeASUreMentS – All Users
With a method created, or recalled and opened, the kinetics measurement screen is displayed.
Before starting a run, a zero absorbance calibration must be carried out to standardise the instrument
at the selected wavelength.
Select the
Cal key and wait while the prompt advises of the calibration progress. When completed the
Run key becomes active.
Place a prepared sample cuvette in the sample chamber and close the lid. Select the
Run key to start
the measurement. If a lag time has been programmed a countdown prompt will be displayed for its
duration and then the run will commence. The plot being will be displayed as the measurements are
taken over the run time.
On completion of the run a calculated concentration value is shown to the right of the graph, tagged
with the units of measurement selected. Further samples can be measured in the same way.
Post run tools
On completion of a measurement, or with a recalled result displayed, a number of tools can be used to
analyse and display the data.
Pressing the
Tools icon on the display surround displays the bottom toolbar with icons for a number of
Pressing the
Measurement Display icon gives access to options for:
Auto-Scale – pressing this icon switches Auto-Scale on and off. When Off the Y-Axis scale is
set to the manual values entered in the settings. When On it will set the Y-Axis to give the
maximum resolution for the display area.
Pressing this icon decreases the resolution of the displayed concentration, cycling through
0.001, 0.01, 0.1 and 1.
Pressing this icon increases the resolution of the displayed concentration, cycling through 1,
0.1, 0.01 and 0.001.
Pressing the information icon displays details of the curve with the mean rate of change, plus
the formula of the line of best fit.
When this option is selected the QWheel™ is activated to control the display cursors. Initially
both cursors are active to select a portion of the curve. Pressing the Cursor Select icon activates
the right and left cursor in turn to adjust the size of the selected area. The start and end times
selected by the cursors are independently displayed at the right side of the toolbars.
By pressing the Calculator icon the concentration value is re-calculated based on the part
of the curve selected. This function can be used for method development and selecting the
optimum run times, lag and incubation periods.