Jenway 6715 User Manual
Page 5

67 Series Spectrophotometer
PC Software
Insert the 67-Series Software Suite installation CD and select the 67-Series
Software Suite icon to open the following screen. Selecting Next commences the
installation. The installation can be aborted by selecting Cancel.
The default installation destination is C:\Program Files\Jenway\67-Series Software Suite\. To
select the default destination select Next, to alter the destination select Browse. To review
the disk space requirements select Disk Cost. The 67-Series Software Suite can be set up
to be used by all users or a single user by checking the appropriate box. To progress the
installation select Next, to return to the previous screen select Back, to exit the installation
select Exit.
Select Next to commence the installation. To review or change any of the installation
parameters select Back. To exit the installation at this stage select Cancel, the software will
not be installed if you choose to exit.