Jenway 6715 User Manual
Page 11

Holding the cursor over the spectrum trace or the data name will highlight the chosen
spectrum and fade any other spectra.
To return to the original spectrum select the open icon and reselect the original data
Selecting the area under curve icon displays the following screen. Inputting the
required wavelength limits and selecting Apply will calculate the area under the
curve to both the tangent and the baseline.
Selecting the peaks and valleys icon displays the following screen. Selecting
the required noise filter and Apply will display the both the wavelength values
and the absorbances. These values can be displayed on the spectrum, in a
table or both by selecting the appropriate boxes. Alternatively selecting a
peak or valley with the cursor will manually label the wavelength and
absorbance value.
To exit from the Peaks and Valleys screen select Close.
Selecting the zoom in icon displays the green ‘zoom area’ on the spectrum.
Placing this over the desired area and clicking the left mouse button will
zoom in to the green highlighted area. This process can be repeated up to
four times. Once zoomed in it is possible to return to the previous zoom
level by selecting the zoom out icon.