Ground channels, Software problems, Watview, anascan – Watlow CAS200 User Manual

Page 90: User-written software, No-key reset, Ground channels 78, Software problems 78, No-key reset 78, See no-key, No-key reset on

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Chapter 5: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring

CAS200 User’s Guide


Watlow Anafaze

Ground Channels

Many PC communications ports have their common wires
connected to chassis ground. Once connected to the
scanner, this can provide a path to ground for current from
the process that can enter the scanner through a sensor
(such as a thermocouple). This creates a ground channel
that can affect communications and other scanner
functions. To eliminate a ground channel, either use an
optically isolated communications adapter or take
measures to ensure that sensors and all other connections
to the scanner are isolated and not conducting current into
the unit.

Software Problems

If the scanner and serial communications connections seem
to be working correctly, but you are still not getting the
result you expect, consult the resources you have available
for the software program you are using.


Consult the ANASCAN User’s Guide for help with the user
interface. WatView comes with a context-sensitive help
explaining operation of the software. Context-sensitive
means that you can press the F1 key to get help related to
the part of the program you are using.

User-Written Software

You can request a communications specification from
Watlow Anafaze if you want to write your own software.
Watlow Anafaze will answer technical questions that arise
during your software development process. For user-
written Windows interfaces use WatConnect, the Modbus-
RTU dynamic link library software from Watlow

NO-Key Reset

Performing a


-key reset returns all scanner settings to

their defaults. All recipes are also cleared.

To perform a


-key reset:


Make a record of the scanner’s settings.


Turn off power to the unit.


Press and hold the


key on the keypad.


Turn on power to the scanner still holding the




When prompted RESET WITH DEFAULTS?, release the


key and press the

