Moving windows with "smart docking – Teledyne LeCroy SAS_SATA InFusion - Users Manual User Manual
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SAS InFusion User Manual
Version 2.0
LeCroy Corporation
with "Smart
SAS InFusion has a window-positioning feature called "Smart Docking" It allows precise
positioning of windows within the application. When Smart Docking is enabled,
Positioning buttons appear whenever you move a window (Figure 29 and Figure 30).
Figure 29
Application Display: Smart Docking Activated
Figure 30
Smart Docking Positioning Buttons
The function of positioning buttons is to allow windows to be precisely positioned within
the application.
Smart Docking is enabled by default and can be turned OFF or ON by selecting View >
Smart Docking from the application menu.
If enabled, two sizes of buttons appear as soon as you move a window. Small buttons
let you move the window in one direction. The larger button lets you position left, right,
up or down within the center of the application window.
The larger button can also let you create tabbed windows. To create tabbed windows,
drag the mouse over the central part of the positioning button (the Tab button in
Figure 30).