Modifying window layout, Tabbed- style layout, Figure 26 application window layout: tabbed style – Teledyne LeCroy SAS_SATA InFusion - Users Manual User Manual
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Version 2.0
SAS InFusion User Manual
LeCroy Corporation
If traffic in one direction is already in a CONT condition when a HOLD primitive is received
in the other direction, the HOLDA primative generated by InFusion cancels the CONT.
When the HOLD goes away and the data stream can be restarted, the CONT condition
must first be restablished. InFusion remembers which primitive has been "continued",
and reestablishes the CONT condition by sending that primitive twice followed by CONT,
before continuing with normal traffic flow.
In all these cases, InFusion is acting intelligently to maintain the integrity of the data link
under these unusual circumstances. In the vast majority of situations, these actions will
go unnoticed by the system and by the user. Only under circumstances where these
actions might interfere with the test case in progress (for example, if the HOLD condition
itself is under test) would the SAS Hold Handling option need to be disabled.
Modifying Window Layout
You can use SAS InFusion windows in three modes: Tabbed style, frame style, and
mixed style.
The modes are set apart by the presence/absence of tabs at the bottom of the windows.
Tabbed-style windows have tabs. Frame-style windows do not. Mixed-style windows
have some windows with tabs and some without.
Tabs are used to navigate from one window to the next.
Style Layout
Figure 26
Application Window Layout: Tabbed Style