FEC DSP1500 (SAN3) User Manual
Page 75

DSP1500 SAN Unit Operation Manual
PAGE 5-3
Chapter 5: Powering Up and Initial Checks
5.2 Initial Data Setting (Display Module Required)
After the previous items have been completed, turn on the power supply and then verify that the
SAN Units are set with the correct function version. This number is set in System Parameter 00-03.
(See section 6.3.6 and 6.4.2 to see how to check and edit this setting)
The settings should be as follows:
SAN Unit (Stand Alone Configuration):
Next, verify that the necessary parameter data required for pressing has been entered and is
correct (IE: distance, load, speed, etc).
To perform the checks below, the following signals from external control equipment (PLC, selector
switch, etc) to the SAN unit must be set.
STOP signal must be set high.
WORK SELECT signals must be set low. (Stand Alone Configuration)
1) Zero
Press the RESET button on the Display Unit and check that the value displayed on the unit is
at or near zero and that the NG LED (red) is not on.
2) CAL.
Press the CAL button on the Display Unit and check that the NG LED (red) is not on.
3) MANUAL Movement (Jog) Check
If more than one (1) press is used in the system, disable all other units except the one to be
tested by moving the RUN/BYPASS switch to BYPASS.
While pressing the MANUAL button of the Display Unit, press the down arrow button to
move the press ram forward and check that the correct tool is operating.
Also check that nothing interferes with the press ram through to the operating limit (High
Distance Limit).
Next, while pressing the MANUAL button of the Display Unit, press the up arrow button
to move the press ram backward.
Check that nothing interferes with the press ram through to the return limit. The Display
will show CC when the return limit is reached.
Repeat this test for all connected presses, one at a time, until all have been verified.
The speed of Manual movement is set in Data Parameter 0e. Manual Speed can be increased
or decreased by changing this value.
Before performing the following test, make sure the travel path of the press ram
is clear. When performing a HOME POSITION SEARCH, the press ram will
continue moving until home position has been defined.
While pressing the MANUAL button of the Display Unit, press the START button. The
home-position search will be initiated and, when it is completed, the OK (green) light will be
on and the unit will be ready for automatic operation.
After completing the home-position search, the position of the resolver when the CCW limit
sensor is ON will be shown on the display D-No. area for one second. If the value is not within
1000 to 3000, there is a possibility that the home-position will deviate. If this happens, please
refer to Section or contact FEC.
5) Manual START Check
Press and hold the START button of the Display Unit and verify the automatic operation of the
press. Because no WORK SELECT is active (ON), the press will perform the operation
defined for Parameter 1.
6) External Instruction Operation Check
Verify that the equipment will operate with an instruction from the exterior control equipment
(PLC, selector switch, etc.).