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AC/DC Electronics Laboratory


Click the “Magnifier” button (

). The cursor changes to a magnifying glass shape.

Use the cursor to click-and-draw a rectangle around the region of the plot of current and voltage
where the current begins to increase. Make the rectangle tall enough so that its upper boundary is
beyond 2 milliamp (mA).

Click the “Smart Cursor” button (


Move the cursor/cross-hair to the point on the plot where the current reaches 2 milliamps.
Record the value of the turn-on voltage (X-coordinate) at 2 mA in Data Table 1.

Select “Run #3” from the bottom of the Experiment menu. Repeat the analysis process for the
plot of Current versus Voltage for the second LED.

Select “Run #4” from the bottom of the Experiment menu. Repeat the analysis process for the
plot of Current versus Voltage for the last LED.

DATA TABLE 1: Light-Emitting Diodes


Voltage (V) at 2 mA

1. Diode & 1 k


2. Red LED

3. Yellow LED

4. Green LED

PART IIIB: Data Recording - Bi-Color Diode

Carefully bend the wire leads of the CLEAR (bicolor) light-emitting diode so they can fit in the
component springs in place of the last diode you used in Part IIIA of this Unit.

Replace the green LED with the bicolor LED.

Click the “ON” button (

) in the Signal Generator window.

Click the “REC” button (

) to begin data recording.

Data recording will end automatically after 250 samples are measured. Run #5 will appear in the
Data list in the Experiment Setup window.

Click the “OFF” button (

) in the Signal Generator window.

Describe the behavior of the bicolor LED during data recording. Put your observations in the
Data Table

Turn off the power switch on the back of the power amplifier.