Meriam MFT 4010 Modular Calibrator_HART Communicator User Manual
Page 55
Important Note: For Pressure Switch tests, it is very important to increase pressure slowly as the set
point or reset point is approached. Quickly increasing and decreasing the pressure reduces the
accuracy of the captured set point and reset points. Similarly, for simulating RTD or TC signals be
sure to set the Ramp Time long enough for the LRV / URV range to insure accurate capture of set
point and reset point values. The switch test software allows the user to discard the As Found or As
Left results as many times as needed during the documenting session. Users can use this feature to
determine whether or not a good set of data has been captured by comparing consecutive test results
and then saving the results when satisfied.
Switch Test Calibration Procedures and Documentation – From PC (Stored)
Switch Test calibration procedure setup features similar to those described in the Switch Test Calibrations and
Documentation section above are available in the Meriam Device Management System. This allows the user to
define Switch Test calibrations and assign calibration procedures to specific switch device tag numbers in the
DMS database. DMS tracks calibration schedules and alerts the user when Switch Test calibrations are
coming due. DMS will download Switch Test calibration procedures to a documenting MFT for use in the field.
The VMA0055 module is normally used to wet the switch circuit to be tested although external wetting by a
VDC source of 50 VDC or less is also supported. Once a Switch Test calibration has been completed, the
results can be uploaded to DMS where they are stored by their tag number(s) for review and future reference.
Many of the MFT screens shown in the Switch Test Calibration and Documentation – Manual section above are
reused in the Stored procedure method.
Deleting Files and Clearing Documentation Memory
Deleting Documentation Files
Individual calibration procedure / result files can be deleted from the MFT using the Del soft key found on the
View Calibration Results Screen. This screen is accessed by pressing the MFTs Calibrate key (see the
Calibrate Key section of this manual for more details). The Del key removes the record from the display
(Deleted shown instead) but it does not clear the memory space.
Clearing Documentation Memory
To clear all calibration procedure / result files, Select the Clear Cal Memory menu option under the MFTs
Calibrate key (see the Calibrate Key section of this manual for more details). A delete confirmation screen is
provided to prevent unintended clearing of all documentation files.
An alternate way to clear documentation memory is to connect the MFT to Meriam DMS and use the Clear MFT
Calibration Data function. See the DMS User’s Manual for more details.