Meriam MFT 4010 Modular Calibrator_HART Communicator User Manual

Page 43

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Local Indicator or Fieldbus Device Calibrations and Documentation
To document the As Found and As Left condition of local indicating devices or Fieldbus devices, select
Enter for the Output option on the main Cal Setup screen and then select Begin Calibration. The following
screen will appear.

S1 (sensor module bay Sx): shows the input value applied to the device as
measured by sensor S1.
Enter (local indicator of fieldbus device): shows output value from the
device under test that was keyed in by the user. This value is read
from a local indicator or an external meter or relayed from the
control room.

To enter a value in the Enter line, press the Entry soft key to activate the keyed entry

Use the numeric input feature on the MFT’s keypad to enter the local indicator
reading or the output reading from the fieldbus device.

Or, use Inc and Dec Soft keys enter the first number of the value being input.
Press the Æ soft key to move to the next place on the entry screen.
Repeat until complete value is entered and press the Done Soft key.
The user will be prompted, “Save New Data? Yes No”. Select Yes if correct.
When satisfied with the value, press the Save key to save this calibration point
and proceed to the next point.

Continue until the As Found calibration procedure is complete

Press the Done key to complete the “As Found” portion of the calibration and the
As Found Complete Screen will appear (see below).

Manual Calibration

S1 :10.000 inW20C
Enter: 0.000 inW20C

0 Points Saved

Save Entry Done

Enter Xmitter Value


Е Ж Inc Done

Manual Calibration

S1 :10.000 inW20C
Enter: 9.910 inW20C

0 Points Saved

Save Entry Done

This manual is related to the following products: