Liquid Controls SP4000 User Manual
Page 112

SP4000 Flow Computer
11. Glossary of Terms
Access Code
A numeric password which is entered by a user attempting to gain entry to change setup parameters.
A empirical flow equation applicable to orifice and several other square law flowmeters.
A gas flow equation for computing the combustion heat flow from measured volume flow, temperature and pressure as well as
stored gas properties.
A gas flow equation for pulse producing, volumetric flowmeters which computes the equivalent flow at reference conditions
from the measurements made at flowing line conditions.
Assign Usage
A menu selection during the setup of the instrument which selects the intended usage for the input/output.
Barometric Pressure
An entry of the average, local atmospheric pressure at the altitude or elevation of the installation. (typically 14.696 psia)
A important geometric ratio for a square law flowmeters.
An order sequence of adjustments which must be performed in order for the equipment to operate properly.
Calibration Temperature
The temperature at which a flow sensor was calibrated on a test fluid.
Combustion Heat
The energy released by a fluid fuel during combustion .
A value to be assumed for manual inputs or in the event of a failure in a input sensor.
Display Damping
An averaging filter constant used to smooth out display bounce.
DP Factor
A scaling constant for a square law flowmeter.
Error Log
A historical record which captures errors which have occurred.
Flow Equation
A recognized relationship between the process parameters for flow, temperature, pressure and density used in flow
Galvanic Isolation
Input and or output functions which do not share a conductive ground or common connection between them.
Gas Cor. Vol Eq.
An equation where the corrected volume flow of gas at STP is computer from measured volume flow, temperature and
pressure as well as stored gas properties.
Gas Comb. Heat Eq.
An equation where the combustion heat flow of gas is computer from measured volume flow, temperature and pressure as
well as stored gas properties.
Gas Mass Eq.
An equation where the mass flow of gas is computer from measured volume flow, temperature and pressure as well as stored
gas properties.
Flowing Z-Factor
The mean Z-Factor under flowing conditions of temperature and pressure for a specific gas.