Field edit and list box windows – Liquid Controls DMS Setup User Manual

Page 9

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Home (F1) moves the cursor to the first position
Ins (F3) toggles between insert mode and over-write mode
F2 and F4 moves the cursor one space to the left or right
End (F5) moves the cursor to the last position in the field
SHIFT must be held down to type in letters
BACK SPACE erases the character to the left of the cursor
CLEAR erases all characters in a field edit window
ESC backs out of the window without making changes
ENTER accepts the characters inside the field edit window

Home (F1) sends the pointer to the first item in the list
PgUp (F2) and PgDn (F4) scrolls forward or backward through the

list by full screens
Find (F3) opens a field edit window into which parameters can be

entered for a search
End (F5) jumps to the end of the list
ENTER accepts the option to the right of the pointer
The (F#) function keys are activated only if there are more than

six options

Field Edit Window



Network Name

|_ |

Home <-- Ins --> End

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5

List Box Window

Product Type






Lube Oil

Home PgUp Find PgDn End

Field Edit and List Box Windows

List Box Window

List box windows display a searchable list of options for

you to choose from. Use the DMS i1000 i1000 Lap Pad

arrow keys to scroll the (pointer) up and down the list.

Press the

ENTER key to select the option to the right of

the pointer. If there are more than six options and the list

will continue to another screen, the function keys (

F1 - F5)

will provide navigational tools to accelerate the search.

There are two editable fields in DMS i1000 i1000

applications: field edit windows and list box windows.

Field edit windows appear above the function commands

(line 8) as a box in which alpha-numeric characters can

be entered. List box windows also appear above the

function commands (line 8), as a box with a list of options.

Both fields are titled in the upper left corner of the field

and surrounded by a border. In the example to the upper

right, the field edit window title is

Customer Name. In the

example to the lower right, the list box window is titled

Button ID.

Field Edit Window

Field edit windows allow you to key unique information into

the DMS i1000 i1000. Using the keys of the DMS i1000

i1000 Lap Pad, you can type alpha-numeric characters

into the window, and DMS i1000 i1000 will assign them

to the field (in the upper right example

Customer Name).

While the field edit window is in the display, the function

keys (

F1 - F5) will provide tools to help you maneuver the

cursor inside the window. When you are finished keying

in your information, press the

ENTER key to accept and

exit the field edit window.

Parameters for each specific field edit window will be

defined throughout this manual.

Field Edit and List Box Windows