Delivery code – Liquid Controls DMS Setup User Manual
Page 63

Delivery Code
Screen 24a, b, c: Delivery Code (1/4,
2/4, 3/4)
Delivery Ticket? indicates that a delivery ticket is
pending. A new delivery cannot be started until this field
is cleared by successfully printing the last delivery ticket.
Shift Ticket? indicates that a shift ticket has been
requested and is waiting to be printed.
Flow Active? indicates flow is active during a delivery.
The field is turned on and off with the
Delivery Active?
field but is also turned off when a delivery is paused and
turned back on when it is resumed.
Delivery Active? indicates that a delivery is active. The
field is turned on just before the
Delivery Beginning? field
is turned off and is turned off at the end of the delivery.
Gross Preset Active? indicates the current delivery is
delivering a gross preset quantity. When this quantity is
reached the delivery will either end or pause depending
on the type of preset being run.
Net Preset Active? indicates the current delivery is
delivering a net preset quantity. When this quantity is
reached the delivery will either end or pause depending
on the type of preset being run.
Stop/Gross Preset? indicates the current delivery has
been stopped due to the gross preset value being reached.
Depending on the type of preset being run, the delivery
will either terminate or pause.
Stop/Net Preset? indicates the current delivery has
been stopped due to the net preset value being reached.
Depending on the type of preset being run, the delivery
will either terminate or pause.
VCF Active? indicates that the current product will be
temperature volume compensated during delivery.
S1 Closed? indicates the status of the S1 solenoid. This
No at the beginning of a delivery and Yes when solenoid
1 is closed due to the remaining gross or net preset value
being less than or equal to the value in the
S1 Close field.
See page 32 for a discussion of the
S1 Close field.
Delivery Beginning? indicates that a delivery is in the
process of being started. Once the delivery has been
started successfully, this field is turned off.
New Delivery Queued? indicates that a new delivery has
been queued in the LCR. This condition occurs when a
Run command is issued and the switch is in the STOP,
PRINT, or SHIFT PRINT position.
Next (F1) to advance to Screen 24d on page 64.
(3/4) 1
VCF Active?
S1 Closed?
Delivery Beginning?
New Delivery Queued?
Next Prev Status
(2/4) 1
Gross Preset Active?
Net Preset Active?
Stop/Gross Preset?
Stop/Net Preset?
Next Prev Status
(1/4) 1
Delivery Ticket?
Shift Ticket?
Flow Active?
Delivery Active?
Next Status