Delivery code, Screen 24d: delivery code (4/4) – Liquid Controls DMS Setup User Manual
Page 64

Screen 24d: Delivery Code (4/4)
Delivery Code
Init Warning? indicates that a Flash data access error
occurred during a delivery which was not critical to the
delivery but that a default was used in place of the data
that was attempting to be read.
Config Event? indicates that a configuration event
has occurred. This field is set when one or more of the
following fields are changed while in calibration mode:
Auxiliary Multiplier
Auxiliary Unit of Measure
Base Temperature
Compensation Parameter
Compensation Type
Decimal Setting
Flow Direction
Flow Rate Time Scale
Gross Meter Totalizer
Meter ID
Net Meter Totalizer
Print Gross Volume and Compensation Parameter
Print Volume Corrected Message Flag
Printer Type
Product Type
Residual Processing
S1 Close
Sale Number
Temperature Offset
Temperature Scale
Ticket Number
Ticket Required Flag
Unit of Measure
This field is cleared when a Calibration ticket is printed.
Calib Event? indicates that a calibration event has
occurred. This field is
Yes when one or more of the
following fields are changed while in calibration mode:
• Enabling or Disabling the Multi-Point Linearization
• Flow Rate for a Linearization Point
• Percent Error for a Linearization Point
• Pulses/Unit
This field is “
No” when a Calibration ticket is printed.
Stat (F3) to return to Screen 21 on page 60.
(4/4) 1
Init Warning?
Config Event?
Calib Event?
Prev Status