Preset and delivery, Screen 19a: preset and delivery (1/7) – Liquid Controls DMS Setup User Manual

Page 54

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Screen 19a: Preset and Delivery (1/7)

Preset and Delivery

When power is applied to the LectroCount DMS i1000, the

system runs diagnostics internally. If the system detects

the LCRConfg.slf file does not exist,

Screen 1 on page 19

will be displayed. If the LCRConfg.slf file does exist, the

display will advance to the first of the Preset and Delivery

screens as shown to the right.
The first line displays the active

Product # and its unit

of measure. The unit of measure was defined in System

Calibration and cannot be changed from this screen. The

Product # can be changed by positioning the pointer on

Product # and pressing the ENTER key. This opens a

list box window which will contain the product numbers of

all calibrated products. Select desired product number to

be delivered and press


The next three items are preset values. A preset

delivery can be made based on Price, Net volume, or

Gross volume. The column under

Delivery displays last

delivered values for each.
Price is used to set a preset delivery based on total

price. Move pointer to

Price and press ENTER to open

a field edit window. Enter a value representing the total

price for the delivery, for example,

200.00 dollars. The

delivery will automatically end when this value, or a value

near this (without exceeding it), is reached. The value

may not be exactly

200.00 as the volume delivered may

not translate exactly to

200.00. For instance, a preset of

200.00 is entered and the price per unit volume is 1.27.

This would result in a Gross volume delivery of $200.00

÷ $1.27 = 157.48031. If the decimal setting is whole, this

will show up as 157. This then results in a delivery of 157

x $1.27 = $199.39.
Net and Gross are both preset deliveries based on

volume (as apposed to price). If the preset delivery is a

temperature compensated delivery, use

Net for the preset

delivery. If the delivery is not temperature compensated,


Gross for the preset delivery.

Move pointer to either

Net or Gross and press ENTER to

open a field edit window. This preset value can have

the following range based on the decimal setting:

Decimal Setting Range


0 to 10,000,000


0.0 to 1,000,000.0


0.00 to 100,000.00

Enter desired value and press

ENTER to accept.

Preset Type defines how preset values are handled after

a delivery is complete. Move pointer to

Preset Type and


ENTER to open a list box window with the following


Clear: This option clears the preset value after a delivery.

This requires the operator to enter a preset amount

prior to each delivery where a preset delivery is


Multiple: This option pauses the delivery when the preset

value is reached. The delivery can then be continued

by the same preset amount when it will pause again.

When the delivery is completed, the preset amount will

clear. If the No-Flow Timer times out during a pause,

the delivery will end and a ticket will print out.

Inventory: This option is similar to the Multiple option with

the exception that the preset value is not reset to the

original value when the pause occurs. This option is

typically used to monitor the inventory on the delivery

vehicle. The delivery can then be ended by pushing


PRINT/END key on the DMS i1000 Lap Pad.

Retain: This option is similar to Clear. The delivery

ends when the preset value is reached, however,

the preset value is not cleared. For instance, if a

Gross preset is set to

100 gallons, it will reset to 100

gallons at the end of each delivery, until it is changed

by the operator. The retain value will reflect the last

programmed preset value.


Next (F1) to advance to Screen 19b on page 55.


Stat (F3) to advance to Screen 21 on page 60.


LCR# (F4) to select a different LCR for the


Main (F5) to return to Screen 2 on page 20.

(1/7) 1

Units: Gallons







Product #: 1



Net: 0.0


Preset Type:

Next Status LCR# Main