Symbol definitions, Using the command/response table for ip, Sis commands – Extron Electronics Annotator User Guide User Manual
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Using the Command/Response Table for IP SIS Commands
Symbol Definitions
X10) = Switcher name, up to 240 alphanumeric characters.
NOTE: The following characters are invalid in the name: {space} ~ , _ @ = ` [ ] { }
< > ‘ “ ; : | \ and ?
X10! = Default name, (
+ last 3 pairs of the MAC address)
X10@ = Time and date (for set) In the format: MM/DD/YY•HH:MM:SS where:
MM = month: 01 (January) through 12 (December), DD = 01 through 31, YY = 00
through 99, HH = 00 through 24, MM = 00 through 59, SS = 00 through 59
X10$ = GMT offset: –12.0 through +14.0 Hours and minutes removed from GMT
X10% = Daylight Saving Time: 0 = off/ignore, 1 = on (northern hemisphere),
2 = on (Europe), 3 = on (Brazil)
X10^ = IP address: ###.###.###.###
X10& = Hardware (MAC) address: ##-##-##-##-##-##
X10* = Number of open connections: 0 - 255
X10( = Password 12 alphanumeric characters (see note above)
X12# = Verbose mode: 0 = clear/none (default, Telnet),
1 = verbose mode (default, RS-232/RS-422), 2 = tagged responses for queries,
3 = verbose mode/tagged for queries.
NOTE: If tagged responses are enabled, all read commands return the constant
string and the value as the set command does (for example, the read
processor name command ECN}, returns Ipn•X10)]).
X12% = Specific serial port number (01-03), 01 = COM1 (rear panel, bottom port),
02 = COM2 (front panel config port), 03 = COM3 (rear panel, top port)
X12& = Time in tens of milliseconds to wait until the first response character is received via
a serial port before terminating the current receive operation, max. = 32767,
(default = 10 = 100 ms).
NOTE: For commands that use both X12& and X13), both variables must be zero
or both must be non-zero. In the RS (send data) command, X12& may be
omitted as long as X13) is also missing.
X13) = Time in tens of milliseconds to wait between characters being received via a serial
port before terminating the current command or receive operation.
Response includes leading zeros, max. = 32767 (default = 2 = 20 ms).
NOTE: For commands that use both X12& and X13), both variables must be zero
or both must be non-zero. In the RS (send data) command, X12& may be
omitted as long as X13) is also missing.
X13! = Parameter (#L or #D) to set either the Length of message to receive or the Delimiter
value. # = byte count (for L) or # = a single ASCII character expressed in decimal form
(for D). The parameter is case sensitive. Byte count # can be from 0 to 32767,
default = 0).The ASCII decimal # can be from 0 to 00255 (default = 00000L).
X13# = Priority status for receiving time-outs: 0 = use send data string command parameters
(0 = default), 1 = use configure receive time-out command parameters
X13% = Baud rate: 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, 9600 (default), 14400,
19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, or 115200
X13^ = Parity (use only first letter): O = odd, E = even, N = none (default), M = mark, S = space
Annotator • SIS Communication and Control