GE Industrial Solutions AF-650 GP General Purpose Drive Programming Guide User Manual

Page 80

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SP-10 Line failure



reduce U


to SP-11 Line Voltage at Input

Fault*1.35 by increasing the speed. This

will not succeed as the mains cannot be



If running motoric. The same mechanism

as in point two, but where the inertia

will prevent that the speed goes above

the reference speed. This will lead to the

motor running motoric until the speed is

above the reference speed and the

situation in point two occurs. Instead of

waiting for that criterion three is


[5] Kinetic



The difference between kinetic back-up with and

without trip is that the latter will always ramp

down to 0 RPM and trip, regardless of whether

mains return or not.

The function is made so that it will not even

detect if mains return, this is the reason for the

relatively high level on the DC-link during ramp


Illustration 3.36 Kinetic Back-up Trip

A Normal Operation

B Mains failure

C Kinetic back-up

D Trip

Table 3.18 Legend to Illustration 3.36

[6] Alarm

[7] Kin.


trip w


Kinetic back-up with recovery combines the

features of kinetic back-up and kinetic back-up

with trip. This feature makes it possible to select

between kinetic back-up and kinetic back-up with

trip, based on a recovery speed, configurable in

SP-15 Kin. Backup Trip Recovery Level to enable

detection of mains returning. If mains do not

return, the frequency converter ramps down to 0

RPM and trips. If mains return while in kinetic

back-up at a speed above the value in SP-15 Kin.

Backup Trip Recovery Level, normal operation is

resumed. This is equal to [4] Kinetic Back-up. The

DC-level during [7] Kinetic back-up is SP-11 Line

Voltage at Input Fault* 1,35.

SP-10 Line failure



Illustration 3.37 [7] Kinetic Back-Up, trip with

recovery where mains return above SP-15 Kin.

Backup Trip Recovery Level.

A Normal Operation

B Mains failure

C Kinetic back-up

D Mains return

E Normal operation: ramping

Table 3.19 Legend to Illustration 3.37

If mains return while in kinetic back-up at a speed

below SP-15 Kin. Backup Trip Recovery Level the

frequency converter ramps down to 0 RPM using

the ramp and then trips. If the ramp is slower

than the system will ramp down on its own, the

ramping will be done motoric and U


will be at

the normal level (U

DC, m


Illustration 3.38 [7] Kinetic Back-Up, trip with

recovery, trip slow ramp where mains return

below SP-15 Kin. Backup Trip Recovery Level. In

this illustration a slow ramp is used.

A Normal Operation

B Mains failure

C Kinetic back-up

D Mains return

E Kinetic back-up, ramping to trip

F Trip

Table 3.20 Legend to Illustration 3.38

If the ramp is quicker than the system’s ramp

down on, the ramping will be done generatoric.

This results in a higher U


which is limited using

the brake chopper/resistor brake.

Parameter Descriptions

AF-650 GP Programming Guide
