7 external hand off auto example – GE Industrial Solutions AF-650 GP General Purpose Drive Programming Guide User Manual

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1.7 External Hand Off Auto Example

Hand Off Auto (HOA), without the use of the Drive keypad

To have a HOA system with an external 0-10 V potenti-
ometer for the hand reference and a 4-20 mA signal for
the auto reference, 2 set-ups should be used. In this
example we use set-up 1 for the hand mode and set-up 2
for the auto mode. We use analog input 53 for the hand
reference (0-10 V potentiometer) and analog input 54 for
the auto reference (4-20 mA) and digital input 27 for the
set-up selector. Please ensure that the analog inputs have
the correct dip settings (A-53 [U] and A-54 [I]).

In the upper right corner of the keypad you can see 2
numbers – like 1(1). The number outside the parenthesis is
the active set-up and the number inside the parenthesis is
the set-up which will be edited. Default will always be 1(1).
Make sure you edit set-up 1.


Make all the parameter changes you need, that
will be common for auto and hand mode, like
motor parameters etc.


Set K-10 Active Set-up to [9] Multi Set-up. This
parameter change is needed to be able to
change set-up from an external source, like a
digital input.


Set K-11 Edit Set-up to [9] Active Set-up. This is
recommended because then the active setup will
always be the set-up that is edited. If you prefer
you can also ignore this and manually control
what set-up you want to edit through K-11 Edit


Set E-03 Terminal 27 Digital Input to [23] Set-up
select bit 0. When terminal 27 is OFF, set-up 1
(hand) is active, when it is ON, set-up 2 (auto) is


Set F-01 Frequency Setting 1 to Analog input 53
(hand mode).


Ensure C-30 Frequency Command 2 and
C-34 Frequency Command 3 are both No Function.
This is good practice to make sure no other
references are added.


Copy set-up 1 to set-up 2. Set K-51 Set-up Copy to
[2] Copy to set-up 2. Now setup 1 and 2 are


If you need to be able to change between hand
and auto mode while the motor is running you
will have to link the 2 set-ups together. Set
K-12 This Set-up Linked to to [2] set-up 2.


Change to set-up 2 by setting input 27 ON (if
K-11 Edit Set-up is [9]) or by setting K-11 Edit Set-
to set-up 2.


Set F-01 Frequency Setting 1 to Analog input 54
(auto mode).

If you want different settings in hand and auto mode, like
different accel/decel ramps, speed limits etc. you can now
program them. You just have to make sure you edit the
correct set-up. Set-up 1 is Hand mode and set-up 2 is Auto

External Hand-Off-Auto Selector Switch Wiring

Illustration 1.10 GE 30 mm HOA Cat# (1) 104PSG34B & (3)



AF-650 GP Programming Guide

