Xconfiguration etherne, Xconfiguration externalmanage, Xconfiguration h32 – TANDBERG Security Camera User Manual
Page 195: H323 gatekeeper autodiscover, Command reference - xconfiguration
MAY 2008
Grey Headline (continued)
Error Reports URL:
The URL of the web service to which error reports are sent.
Default: Off
xConfiguration Error Reports URL: ""
Ethernet [1..2] IP V4 Address:
Specifies the IPv4 address of the specified LAN port.
Note: You must restart the system for any changes to take effect.
xConfiguration Ethernet 1 IP V4 Address:
Ethernet [1..2] IP V4 SubnetMask:
Specifies the IPv4 subnet mask of the specified LAN port.
Note: You must restart the system for any changes to take effect.
xConfiguration Ethernet 1 IP V4 SubnetMask:
Ethernet [1..2] IP V6 Address:
Specifies the IPv6 address of the specified LAN port.
Note: You must restart the system for any changes to take effect
xConfiguration Ethernet 1 IP V6 Address: "2001:db8::1428:57ab"
Ethernet [1..2] Speed: Sets the speed of the Ethernet link from the specified LAN port. Use Auto to automatically configure the speed. Note: You must restart the system for any changes to take effect. Example: xConfiguration Ethernet 1 Speed: Auto ExternalManager Address: Sets the IP Address or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the External Manager. Example: xConfiguration ExternalManager Address: ExternalManager Path: Sets the URL of the External Manager. Example: xConfiguration ExternalManager Path: "tms/public/external/management/SystemManagementService.asmx" H323 Gatekeeper AutoDiscovery Mode: Determines whether or not the VCS responds to gatekeeper discovery requests from endpoints. Example: xConfiguration H323 Gatekeeper AutoDiscovery Mode: On TANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICATIONS SERVER ADMINISTRATOR GUIDE Command Reference - xConfiguration
Default: tms/public/external/management/SystemManagementService.asmx
Default: On