Items ending with > (submenus), Items containing “. . .” (dialog boxes), Canceling a menu – Texas Instruments PLUS TI-89 User Manual
Page 52
Chapter 2: Operating the Calculator 35
02OPER DOC TI-89/TI-92 Plus: Operating the TI-89/TI-92 Plus (English) Susan Gullord Revised: 02/23/01 1:06 PM Printed: 02/23/01 2:11 PM Page 35 of 44
If you select a menu item ending with ú, a submenu is displayed. You
then select an item from the submenu.
For items that have a submenu, you can use the cursor pad as
described below.
To display the submenu for the highlighted item, press B.
(This is the same as selecting that item.)
To cancel the submenu without making a selection, press A.
(This is the same as pressing N.)
To wrap to the last menu item directly from the first menu item,
press C. To wrap to the first menu item directly from the last
menu item, press D.
If you select a menu item containing “
. . .
” (ellipsis marks), a dialog
box is displayed for you to enter additional information.
To cancel the current menu without making a selection, press N.
Depending on whether any submenus are displayed, you may need to
press N several times to cancel all displayed menus.
Items Ending with
Note: Because of limited
screen size, the TI
overlaps these menus as:
Items Containing “. . .”
(Dialog Boxes)
Canceling a Menu
indicates that you can use
the cursor pad to scroll down
for additional items.
For example, List displays a
submenu that lets you select a
specific List function.
indicates that you can press
display and select from a menu.
An input box indicates that you
must type a value. (Alpha-lock is
automatically turned on for the
89. See page 22.)
After typing in an input box such as Variable, you must
twice to save the information and close
the dialog box.
For example, Save Copy As ...
displays a dialog box that prompts
you to select a folder name and
type a variable name.