Paradyne 9788 User Manual

Page 277

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C. Router CLI Commands, Codes, and Designations


December 2002



nat pool

pool-name start-ip-addr end-ip-addr


netmask | {prefix-length | /} prefix-length}


ip nat pool

pool-name [start-ip-addr end-ip-addr


netmask | {prefix-length | /} prefix-length} ]

Minimum Access Level: Administrator
Command Mode: config

Defines a pool of addresses for Network Address Translation. Addresses can then be
allocated from the pool as needed. Up to 30 NAT pools can be supported.

To remove a pool, use the no ip nat pool command. No NAT pools are configured by

Example: ip nat pool Largo / 24

pool-name – Name of the pool comprised of 1–20 ASCII printable characters.

start-ip-addr – Starting IP address of the range of addresses in the address pool.

end-ip-addr – Ending IP address of the range of addresses in the address pool.

netmask – Specify a network mask that indicates which address bits belong to the
network and subnet fields, and which bits belong to the host field.

netmask – Network mask of the network for the pool addresses.

prefix-length or / – Specify the number of bits in a network mask address that are
ones and define the network and subnet fields.

prefix-length – The number of bits in a network mask address that are ones. Valid
range is 1–32.

[no] ip nat inside source


access-list-1-99num pool pool-name [overload] |


access-list-1-99num interface intf-type intf-num


.sub-intf-num] overload |

static {

static-ip-addr1 static-ip-addr2 |

protocol static-ip-addr1 static-port-num static-ip-addr2} }

Minimum Access Level: Administrator
Command Mode: config

Allows a user to specify or remove Network Address Translation rules. Both dynamic and
static address translations may be specified. Command forms that include an access list
are used to specify dynamic translation rules. Packets from addresses that match the
access list are translated using addresses allocated from the named pool or the IP
address assigned to the interface. No NAT rules are configured by default.

Example: Refer to

Chapter 4,

Configuration Options


inside – Inside address translation converts an inside (private) IP address to an outside
(public) IP address (and port, if overload is specified for NAPT).

source – Specifies source address translation.


– Specify the access list number for dynamic address translation. For inside source

translation, this access list describes local addresses. If no rules have been created for
the specified access list, no translations based on this rule will occur.

access-list-1-99num – A standard IP Access list. The valid range is 1–99.

(Continued on next page)

Table C-8.

NAT Commands (2 of 3)

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