Paradyne 9788 User Manual
Page 100

4. Configuration Options
Stop Bits
Possible Settings: 1, 2
Default Setting: 1
Determines the number of COM port stop bits.
1 – Provides one stop bit.
2 – Provides two stop bits.
Ignore Control Leads
Possible Settings: Disable, DTR
Default Setting: Disable
Specifies whether DTR is used.
Display Conditions – This option does not apply to the router.
Disable – Treats control leads as standard operation.
DTR – Ignores DTR. This may be necessary when connecting to some PAD devices.
Login Required
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Disable
Determines whether a user ID and password login are required to log on to the async
terminal connected to the COM port.
Display Conditions – This option appears only when Port Use is set to Terminal.
Enable – Requires a login to access the menu-driven user interface.
Disable – Does not requires a login.
Port Access Level
Possible Settings: Level-1, Level-2, Level-3
Default Setting: Level-1
Specifies level of user access privilege for an async terminal connected to the COM port.
If a login is required for the COM port, the effective access level is determined by the
user’s access level. When a login is
not required, the effective access level is determined
by this option.
Display Conditions – This option appears only when Port Use is set to Terminal.
NOTE: The effective access level is always the lowest one assigned to either the port
or the user. For example, if the Port Access Level assigned is Level-2, but the User
Access Level is Level-3, then only Level-3 access is permitted for the port.
Level-1 – Allows full access and control of the device, including monitoring, diagnostics,
and configuration. The user can add, change, and display configuration options and
perform device testing.
CAUTION: Before changing the communication port’s access level to Level-2 or
Level-3, make sure that the Telnet Session Access Level is set to Level-1 and at least
one Login ID is set to Level-1. Otherwise, access will be lost. If this occurs, you must
reset the unit to the factory defaults and begin the configuration process again.
Level-2 – User limited to display status, run tests, and view configuration option settings.
Level-3 – User limited to display status and view configuration screens only.
Table 4-25. Communication Port Options (2 of 4)