Paradyne 9788 User Manual
Page 206

8. Troubleshooting
The following fields are explained below.
The following messages can appear on line 24:
If an ATM Location ID has not yet been configured, Loopback Type is set to
Segment, an ATM Ping is started, and an ATM Location ID must be
message is displayed.
If the device is already performing an ATM Ping, an Invalid – Was
Already Active
message is displayed.
If any physical test is active on the interface when the ATM Ping was started,
the Invalid Test Combination message is displayed.
If the ATM link is not active when the ATM Ping is started, the Link
message is displayed.
This test cannot be run when a physical test is already active on the interface, and
no physical test can be run on the interface when the ATM Loopback is active on
the interface.
For . . .
Select or Enter . . .
From the VCCs configured for the ATM link.
Loopback Type
EndtoEnd – For Operations, Administration, and
Maintenance (OAM) functions.
The device defaults to this type of loopback.
Segment – For OAM functions, a segment loopback will
be performed on the selected VCC on the link.
Destination Segment ID
ATM Segment ID for the loopback destination – The ID
must be entered in 16 byte values, 2 hexadecimal
characters each, separated by colons.
– The first byte must be 00, 01, 02, 03, or FF.
– If the first octet is FF, octets 2–16 must also be FF.
– If the first octet is 00, octets 2–16 must also be 00.
Reset – Resets the ATM Destination Segment ID for the
VCC. When selected, all octets in this segment are set
to FF, as shown in the screen example.
NOTE: Destination Segment ID and Reset do not appear if
Loopback Type is EndtoEnd instead of Segment.
ATM Ping
Start or Stop commands begin or end the test.