Sun Microsystems Sun Fire X4200 User Manual
Page 187

A method used by a computer for checking that data received matches data
sent. Also refers to information stored with data on a disk that enables the
controller to rebuild data after a drive failure.
A physical section on a hard disk drive.
Peripheral Component
Interconnect (PCI)
A local bus standard used to connect peripherals to 32-bit or 64-bit systems.
Peripheral Interface
Controller (PIC)
An integrated circuit that controls peripherals in an interrupt request (IRQ)-
driven system, taking away that load from the central processing unit (CPU).
A set of privileges granted or denied to a user or group that specify read,
write, or execution access to a file or directory. For access control, permissions
state whether access to the directory information is granted or denied, and the
level of access that is granted or denied.
physical address
An actual hardware address that matches a memory location. Programs that
refer to virtual addresses are subsequently mapped to physical addresses.
Platform Event Filtering
A mechanism that configures the service processor to take selected actions
when it receives event messages, for example, powering off or resetting the
system, or triggering an alert.
Platform Event Trap
A configured alert triggered by a hardware or firmware (BIOS) event. A PET is
an Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI)-specific, Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP) trap, which operates independently of the
operating system.
The location (socket) to which Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) connections are made. Web servers traditionally use port 80, the File
Transfer Protocol (FTP) uses port 21, and Telnet uses port 23. A port enables a
client program to specify a particular server program in a computer on a
network. When a server program is started initially, it binds to its designated
port number. Any client that wants to use that server must send a request to
bind to the designated port number.
port number
A number that specifies an individual Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP) application on a host machine, providing a destination for
transmitted data.
power cycling
The process of turning the power to a system off then on again.