Download, Configuration file download, Period check of configuration files – Siemens HIPATH 8000 User Manual

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Extended Administration



Configuration file download

By default, the telephone checks the FTP server for an account called "con-

fig" using the password "config" (for details on the plug & play settings,

please refer to the "Configuration Management Settings" dialog of the tele-

phone's web interface Æ page 135).

In certain circumstances the phone will access the FTP server and check

in the system-wide configuration file for a file"> element and in its own device configuration file for a

item="device-config-file"> element. If the system-wide file version has

changed compared with the most recent download, the phone will exe-

cute the write instructions in both the system-wide file and its device con-

figuration file. If the system-wide file version has not changed but the de-

vice configuration file version has changed, the phone will execute only the

write instructions in the device configuration file. Otherwise the phone will

not execute write instructions from either configuration file. This preserves

any local settings if there is no change to the configuration files.

When the phone downloads configuration files, it will download the sys-

tem-wide configuration file first and then its own device configuration file.

Any parameters values present in the system-wide configuration file will

overwrite previous values. Any parameter values present in the device

configuration file will overwrite previous values or values in the system-

wide configuration file.

How to configure the download server see Æ page 88.

Period check of configuration files

While registered with the SIP registrar, the phone will, subject to configu-

ration, perform FTP server address discovery and configuration file down-

load periodically (e.g., once a day) to ensure that any changed configurable

parameters are obtained. This is useful for two reasons:
• When the phone has started up using previous parameters values be-

cause it has been unable to download the configuration files (e.g., be-

cause of congestion at the FTP server), this gives a second chance to

obtain any updated parameters.

• In environments that do not support the notification mechanism of the

following regirements:
– there is a telephone call in progress,
– the phone's admin user interface is being used,
– the phone's admin web pages are being used,

The interval between attempts will be configurable.