Manual vlan identifier, Message waiting ip address, Microphone disable – Siemens HIPATH 8000 User Manual

Page 203: Mobility feature, Vlan id, Mwi server addr

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Alphabetical Reference


Manual VLAN identifier

• Can be defined only if the Æ Layer 2 support is activated (Æ Quality of

Service (QoS)).

• This value describes the association with a certain VLAN, if a Æ VLAN

is used.

• Value range table:

• Editing by phone: Number Editor Æ page 157.

Æ page 59


page 117

Message Waiting IP address

• Use this function to configure the IP address or host name of the mes-

sage waiting server.

• Value range table:

• Editing by phone: IP Number Editor Æ page 159 and — if DNS is appli-

cable Æ page 41 — also Text Editor Æ page 155

Æ page 66


page 115

Microphone Disable

Switch off microphone, i.e. hands-free speaking (e.g. in public places).

Æ page 93


page 121

Mobility feature

Displays the status of the User Mobility feature. The status is determined

by the phone from other settings and is read-only (not used with optiPoint

410 entry)

Fixed text indicating the mobility-enabled status of the phone. The text is


• "This phone ist NOT mobility-enabled" or

• "This phone ist mobility-enabled"

Æ page 102


page 134

Permitted values



0 ... 4095

Default value


Permitted values

numeric (with DNS also alphanumeric)

Length max.

15 digits (incl. dots)
(with DNS also 92 digits)