Initial digit timer, Intrusion allowed, Invalid in-/outbound packets – Siemens HIPATH 8000 User Manual
Page 191: Ip routing, Default route, Mib2 err count, Key label test, Set with “initial digit tim, Er“) when the
Alphabetical Reference
Initial Digit Timer
This timer determines the delay after which the phone goes back to idle
mode or calls a specified number (if "Warm line" is active) when the hand-
set was lifted or the speaker key was pressed and no number was dialled.
Intrusion allowed
Allow that an alerting or ringing line is shown in an intrusion bar on DSM
call view. Mark the Checkbox to enable the feature.
Y User Manual Æ page 128
Invalid in-/outbound packets
• Displays the number of error messages according to Æ MIB.
• The used MIB objects are:
IP routing
• To have constant access to network subscribers of other domains, you
can enter a total of two more network destinations.
• An Æ IP address of the domain and gateway, and a Æ Subnet Mask
must be entered for each further domain you wish to use.
• Use this function to define the following IP addresses for Route 1/2.
• Value range table:
• Editing by phone: IP Number Editor Æ page 159.
Non-valid ingoing packets
Non-valid outgoing packets
IP address
IP address
IP addess of the selected route
IP address of the gateway for this route
Network mask for this route.
Permitted values
Length max.
15 digits (incl. dots)