Upload configuration, Upload/download status, Use deployment service (dls) – Siemens HIPATH 8000 User Manual

Page 227: Use dynamic hostname concept, Ul config, Ul/dl status

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Alphabetical Reference


Upload Configuration

• Use this function to save (back up) an optiPoint 410/420 family S V7.0

configuration on the Æ FTP server.

• The following parameters must be set before the upload operation:

Æ Download server IP address or DNS name, Æ FTP path,


Configuration download filename

Æ FTP account name
Æ FTP username, Æ FTP password

Æ page 76


page 138

Upload/Download Status

Shows the status of the following downloads with the date of the last


• Application file download

• Configuration file download

• Configuration file upload

• Hold music file download

• System configuration download

• Phone configuration download

• Personal directory import

• Personal directory export

Æ page 91


page 113

Use deployment service (DLS)

Allows the administrator to manually set the download mechanism to be

the deployment service (DLS).

Æ page 88


page 135

Use dynamic hostname concept

This option is to be considered in combination with the entry in the "Termi-

nal Hostname" field. Further information is provided on Æ page 221.

Æ page 57


page 114