Use secure/non-secure configuration download, Versions info, Vlan discovery method – Siemens HIPATH 8000 User Manual

Page 228: Voicemail number, Vlan discovery, Voice mail no, Version info

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Alphabetical Reference


Use secure/non-secure configuration download

Allows the administrator to manually set the configuration download

mechanism to be secure (HTTPS) or non-secure (FTP).

Æ page 88


page 135

Versions Info

• Displays some telephone versions like:

– Application version
– SIP stack version
– SIP signalling version
– RTP version
– Web content

• The application version identifies the release level of the loaded soft-

ware. The others relate to versions of internal software components.

Æ page 91


page 113

VLAN discovery method

• Can be defined only if the Æ Layer 2 support is activated (Æ Quality of

Service (QoS)).

• Use this function to define the location from where the Æ Manual

VLAN identifier should be fetched, if Æ VLAN is used.

Æ page 59


page 117

Voicemail number

• The number of where your voice mail server is located.

• Value range table:

• Editing by phone: Number Editor Æ page 157.

Æ page 66


page 115


The ID entered in Æ Manual VLAN identifier is used.


If a Æ DHCP server is used, then the ID delivered by
this server is applied.

Permitted values


Length max.

20 digits