Compression encoding, Conference factory uri, Config dls port – Siemens HIPATH 8000 User Manual

Page 170: Configuration download filename, Config server address, Cfg dl filename, Compression, Microphone

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Alphabetical Reference


Compression encoding

• Use this function to select one of the two compression encodings that

should be used if the compressed audio mode was selected, see Au-

dio mode Æ page 165.

• Selectable values: G729 and G723.

Æ page 93


page 121

Conference factory URI

This field identifies the server used for the system based conference. En-

ter the URI of the conference server (e. g.

[email protected] or Domain Name). Reboot is required. This URIs is

only effective with Sylantro server.

Æ page 64


page 116

Config DLS Port

If Deployment service is used, enter the port address of the server.

Æ page 88


page 135

Configuration download filename

• Specify the name of the file containing the configuration data of the

optiPoint 410/420 family S V7.0.

• The file must exist in a defined directory on the Æ FTP server

(Æ Download server IP address or DNS name, Æ FTP path).

• Value range table:

• Editing by phone: Text Editor Æ page 155.

Æ page 77


page 118 or

Config Server address

Specify the address of the Server where to upload the phones configura-

tion file.

Æ page 76


page 118

Permitted values


Length max.

92 digits

Default value


The configuration file is in Unix text format. Editing the document

might change the formatting.