No dhcp server, No server set, No registrar set – Siemens HIPATH 8000 User Manual

Page 236: No sip gateway set, No name set, No terminal address set, No sip password

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No DHCP Server

• Ensure that the phone’s DHCP setting is correctly configured


page 175.

• Check the phone’s VLAN ID is correct Æ page 203. If the phone’s VLAN

is provided by DHCP check that the phone successfully discovers a

VLAN on start-up.

• Ensure that the DHCP server is on the same VLAN as the phone.

• Confirm the L2 QoS settings are correctly configured Æ page 193 and

match those configured in network components.

• Check that the DHCP Server is active and correctly configured and has

enough free leases.

• Check the configuration of the network switch’s port which the phone

is connected to. If the network is using VLANs ensure that the switch’s

port is configured for the same VLAN as the phone.

No Server Set

• Ensure that the both the SIP Server and SIP Registrar addresses are

correctly configured Æ page 214.

No Registrar Set

• Ensure that the SIP Registrar address is correctly configured


page 214.

No Sip Gateway Set

• Ensure that the SIP Gateway address is correctly configured


page 214.

No Name Set

• Ensure that the Terminal Name is correctly configured Æ page 223.

• Ensure that the "Register By Name" setting Æ page 210 is correct. This

should be "On" if the phone is using the Terminal name and "Off" if the

phone is using the Terminal Number.

No Terminal address set

• Ensure that the Terminal Number is correctly configured.

• Ensure that the Register By Name setting is correct. This should be

"On" if the phone is using the Terminal Name and "Off" if the phone is

using the Terminal Number.

No SIP Password

• Ensure that the SIP Password is correctly configured Æ page 215.